For almost 100 years, generous donors have created funds and built our endowment, guaranteeing the endurance of our resources and the progress it supports. The creation of 26 new funds in 2023 grew the total number of charitable funds at the Hartford Foundation to 1,522.
Alleluia House Fund
Margot and Lee Allison Fund
American School for the Deaf Endow Hartford 21 Fund
The Amistad Center for Art & Culture Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Amistad Foundation Fund
Angel of Edgewood, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Anonymous (CF26) Fund
Anonymous No. 41 Fund
Anonymous No. 48 Fund
The ARC of Farmington Valley Endowment Fund
Artists Collective Fund
ASK Endowment Fund fbo Hartford Art School
Gladys T. and Robert B. August Fund
Ivan A. Backer Fund
Bated Breath Theatre Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Arline and Joseph L. Baum Fund
Elsie R. and C. Gordon Beckwith Fund I
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Connecticut Endow Hartford 21 Fund
The Fred T. and Mary E. Blish Family Fund
The Blue Hills Civic Association, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Phillip I. Blumberg Fund
Fund in Honor of David Borden
Nancy Coleman Braender and W. Philip Braender Fund No. 2
The Bridge Family Center Fund
The Bushnell Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Bushnell Park Foundation Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Arnold E. and Mary I. Carlson Fund
Marion H. Chaffee Fund #1
The Children’s Museum Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Childs / Alcorn Fund
Chrysalis Center, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Beatrice D. Clapp Fund
Mabel H. P. Clark Trust No. 2
Community Renewal Team, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Connecticut Council for Philanthropy Endowment Fund
Connecticut Explored Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Connecticut Foodshare Endow Hartford 21 Fund
The Connecticut Forum Endowment Fund
Connecticut Historical Society Endow Hartford 21 Fund
The Connecticut Immigrant and Refugee Coalition Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Connecticut Radio Information Service (CRIS) Endowment Fund
Connecticut Science Center Endow Hartford 21 Fund
ConnectiKids Endowment Fund
Covenant Preparatory School Endow Hartford 21 Fund
CREC Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts Endowment Fund
CT Humane Society Endowment Fund
John M. K. Davis & Mignon Foerderer Davis Fund for Duncaster
Jeff Digel Memorial Endowment Fund for the Benefit of Covenant Preparatory School
Anthony J. and Lucille A. Diorio Fund
John and Rose Draghi Memorial Fund
Drezner/Winkler Fund
Sara R. and Alan A. Dun Fund
Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Designated Fund for the American School for the Deaf
Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Fund for Foodshare
Robert E. Dunn Fund
Walter J. Dyber Fund
East Granby Library Association Book Endowment Fund
Elizabeth Park Conservancy Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Elizabeth Park Conservancy Fund
John E. Ellsworth Fund
John E. Ellsworth Fund, for the Symphony Society
Farmington Valley Arts Center Fund
FVAC Fund, in memory of Stanley D. Fisher
Janet N. Fisk Fund for the Benefit of Windsor Independent Living Association
Patricia H. Fitt Fund
Russell and Virginia Foster Memorial Fund
The Richard B. Fried Fund for AIDS Connecticut (ACT)
Rita Ann Gelinas Fund
Lynne Farley Gillette Social Justice Fund
Girls for Technology Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Miriam E. and Leon H. Glazer Fund #1
Emma Katz, Sol & Nathan Glazer Memorial Fund
Dorothy C. Goodwin Fund
Genevieve H. Goodwin Fund
Helen Whittlesey Goodwin Fund
James L. and Genevieve H. Goodwin Fund
Grace Academy Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Grace Church Restricted Fund
Marion and Ellsworth Grant Fund
Greater Hartford Arts Council Fund
William P. Haas Fund I
Hall High School Fund for the Common Good
Hall High School Safe Grad Fund
Hands on Hartford
HARC Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Ida L. Hartenberg Charitable Fund
Hartford Art School, Inc. Special Fund
Hartford Food System, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Hartford Kiwanis Endowment Fund
Hartford Promise Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Hartford Promise Endowment Fund
Hartford Public Library Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Hartford Stage Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Hartford Stage Fund
Hartford Symphony Orchestra Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Hartford Symphony Orchestra Endowment Fund
Hartford Youth Scholars Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Virgil L. and Dorothy H. Hartzog Fund
Marjorie F. Hazen Trust
Charles, Alice (Murray) and Cheryl A. Heilig Fund
Jean McMillan Hemstreet Fund
Dennis Hersh Humanitarian Fund
Marcia L. and John W. Hincks Fund
Hispanic Health Council Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Historical Society of Glastonbury Endowment Fund
Shepherd Monson Holcombe Fund No.1
Shepherd Monson Holcombe Fund No.2
Shepherd Monson Holcombe Fund No.3
Shepherd Monson Holcombe Fund for The Bushnell
Edward R. Huckman Fund
ImmaCare Endowment Fund
Immanuel Congregational Church Mission Fund
Loretta K. Ingersoll Fund
Innovation Fund for Hands on Hartford
Intensive Education Academy Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Interval House Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Frances H. Jackson Fund
Jonathan’s Dream Endowed Fund
Hugh M. Joseloff and Helen H. Joseloff Fund
Journey Found Endowment Fund
Junior League of Hartford Endowment Fund
Josef and Anastasia Kalvoda Fund
Ilene and Marty Kaplan Fund for PLAN of Connecticut
Frank Kavitsky Fund No. 2
Koopman Fund fbo Hartford Art School
Leadership Greater Hartford Endowment Fund
Literacy Volunteers of Greater Hartford Fund
Margaret R. and Stanley B. Loucks Fund
Elaine Title and Jerome H. Lowengard Fund
Harry W. Lynn, Jr. Charitable Trust Fund
Wayne and Louise Mantz Family Fund
George H. and Constance Wolcott Mason Fund No.1
George H. and Constance Wolcott Mason Fund No. 2
Gloria J. McAdam Fund for Foodshare
Gioconda B. McGettigan Fund for St. Rose Church
Jackie and Dollie McLean Family Fund
McLean Foundation Endowment Fund
Robert P. Merritt Fund
Stephen and Patricia Middlebrook Fund I
Shirley M. and Edward H. Morgan Fund I
Barbara S. Morley Memorial Fund
Mothers United Against Violence, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Murtha-Garvan Family Fund
Barbara C. Newcomb Fund
Oak Hill Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Oak Hill Endowment Fund
Old State House Fund
C. Henry and Mary E. G. Olmsted Fund
Our Piece of the Pie Endow Hartford 21 Fund
John J. Padbury Memorial Fund
Edouard L. Paradis Fund for the Manchester Scholarship Foundation
Paradiso Family Fund
Anne P. and Andrew Pinto Fund
Planned Lifetime Assistance Network of Connecticut, Inc. Fund
Playhouse Theatre Group Endowment Fund
Playhouse Theatre Group, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Barbara and William Podann Fund
Millard Pryor Memorial Endowed Fund
Bruce and Dorothy B. Ralston Designated Fund
Real Art Ways Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Doug and Jane Cramphin Teaching Excellence Award at Renbrook School Endow Hartford 21 Fund
reSET Social Enterprise Trust Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Riverfront Recapture Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Sebastian E. Rosano and Carmelina A. Rosano Memorial Fund
Moses B. and Ann Rosenauer Fund
Samuel Roskin Trust
William J. & Esther L. B. Sander-Anna E. Andersen Fund
Vernal M. Schnabel Fund
William Schortman and Maxine Rothe Schortman Fund
Haig Shahverdian Scholarship Fund
George J. Sherman and Lottie K. Sherman Fund
Dorothy and Alfred Silberman Chapel Fund
Simsbury Land Trust Richard A. Davis Endowment Fund
James B. and Beatrice D. Slimmon Fund
Douglas T. Smith & Dorothy P. Smith Fund – Wadsworth Atheneum
Ray Smith Endowment for Education and Conservation Fund
Sybil Ward Smith Memorial Fund
South Windsor Historical Society Endowment Fund
Elizabeth W. Stedman Fund
Moses Stern Memorial Fund
Elizabeth O. Sturtevant Fund
Michael and Janet Suisman Community Access Fund
Louise L. Sutton Fund
TheaterWorks Endow Hartford 21 Fund
TheaterWorks Endowment Fund
Leonard M. Troub Foundation, Inc. Trust, in memory of Staunton Williams
The Mark Twain House & Museum Endow Hartford 21 Fund
United Way, Inc. Endow Hartford 21 Fund
United Way, Inc. DBA United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut
Urban League Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Valley Falls Farm Fund
Van Winkle Fund
Wendy F. Vance Trail Fund
Stanley W. Vogel Family Fund
Robert and Elizabeth von Dohlen Fund
The VRN Fund
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art Endow Hartford 21 Fund
Walker Family Endowment Fund
Oscar and Ruby T. Wegman Fund I
Anna and Isaac Weintraub Fund
Marjorie Wilder Fund for Connecticut Ballet
Winding Trails Endowment at the Hartford Foundation
Katharine S. Winter Fund No. 2
Susan L. Winter Fund
Friends of Wood Memorial Library and Museum Endowment Fund
Raymond B. and Thelma C. Woodbridge Memorial Fund
World Affairs Council Connecticut Fund
Father Paul Wysocki and Family Fund No. 1
Father Paul Wysocki and Family Fund No. 3
Zachs Family Fund fbo Charter Oak Cultural Center
Zachs Family Fund fbo Real Art Ways
Zachs Family Fund for the Bushnell Center for Performing Arts
Zachs Family Fund for the Chabad Jewish Center
Zachs Family Fund for the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center
Zachs Family Fund for the Connecticut Historical Society
Zachs Family Fund for Hartford Stage
Zachs Family Fund for the Hartford Symphony Orchestra
Zachs Family Fund for Oak Hill
Zachs Family Fund for Trinity College Hillel
Zachs Family Fund for UConn Hillel: The Foundation for Jewish Campus Life
Zachs Family Fund for the Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art
Joseph A. Zita Fund
4-CT Statewide COVID-19 Relief Fund
Abel Family Fund
Acacia Zawadi Seeds for Change Fund
Allen Family Fund
Altifois Dolphin Fund
Alvord Family Fund
Belle “Babs” (Buchman) Amdur and Sadie “Syd” (Levenson) Goldfarb Fund
American Eagle Financial Credit Union Fund
Anonymous No. 38 Fund
Anonymous No. 49 Fund
Anonymous No. 50 Fund
Anonymous 54 Fund
Aronson Family Fund
ASK Endowment Donor Advised Fund
Beatrice Fox Auerbach Foundation Fund
Judith L. Rozie-Battle, JD and Stanley F. Battle, PhD Family Fund
Richard and Alice Baxter Fund
Lisa and John Behan Family Fund
Stephen Benedetto Fund
Berkins Family Fund
John and Laura Berman Fund
Nancy Bernstein Fund
David T. Black Memorial Fund
Ronald T. Black Memorial Fund
The Bluebird Fund
Bernard Blum Fund
Boccaccio Family Trust
Albert and Elizabeth Bourget Fund
The Lyman B. Brainerd Family Foundation Fund
Sherry L. Brown-Marfuggi Family Fund
Iran Brugueras, Jr. SPLASH Fund
Charles and Doris Bryan Fund
Budd Family Fund
Buhler Family Fund
Rev. Dr. Cyril and Gloria Burke Family Fund
Jim and Anne Carroll Fund
Lawrence Wells Case and Florence Reid Case Memorial Fund
Dick Cave Fund
J and L Chapman Charitable Fund
Cheney Family Fund
Katherine C. Childs Memorial Fund
Christiansen Family Fund
Biagio Billy and Jeanne Ciotto Memorial Fund
Anna F. and David W. Clark Fund
Mrs. James Sage Coburn Fund
Barbara V. G. Coffin Fund
David L. Coffin, Jr. Memorial Fund
Libbian and Jerry Cohen Fund
Michael and Naomi Cohen “Prophet Micah” Fund
The Community Caring Fund
Connecticut Hispanic Bar Association Fund
Connors Family Fund
James Christopher Conrad Memorial Fund
Charles B. Cook Fund
Lastra Coolbrith Fund
Lawrence C. Davis Memorial Fund
DeBell Family Fund
Elena Haynes DeVaughn, Ph.D. Fund
Robert “Bobby” DiBella Fund
Duclos Family Charity Trust Fund
Paul H. Eddy and Elizabeth J. Normen Fund
EHS Family Fund
Kate Emery Family Fund
Fund for the Deborah Eldridge Service Award of the Estate and Business Planning Council of Hartford
Joanne and Dan Eudy Family Fund
The Earl E. Exum Memorial Fund
Fairview ALL IN Fund
Fechtor Family Foundation Fund
Feged-Vergara Family Fund
Fiondella Family Trust
Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Fund
Daphne G. Fuller Fund
Gándara Family Fund
Richard P. Garmany Fund
Garnett Gibbs Family Fund
Paul and Mary Garofalo Fund
Gehris Family Fund
Brenda C. and Martin J. Geitz Family Fund
Gessford-Desmarais Fund
Gifts of Music Fund
The Giving Tree Fund
Anzie O. Glover Memorial Fund
Blanche and Steven Goldenberg Family Advised Fund
Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Fund
Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation Fund
Harry E. Goldfarb Family Foundation Fund II
Robert B. Goldfarb and Francine L. Goldfarb Donor Advised Fund
Good Family Fund
Charlotte and Hy Goode Family Fund Supporting Women’s Potential
Goodwin Being Fund
The Graymore Fund
Greater Hartford Jaycees Fund
Oz Griebel Family Fund
Richard S. and Doris J. Griffith Fund
Christopher Guerrini Memorial Fund
Kristine Barbara Guest Memorial Fund
David and Sara Hadden Fund
Brother Carl Hardrick Institute for Violence Prevention Fund
Elwyn V. and Elsie H. Harp Family Foundation Fund
Hartford Kiwanis Fund
Hartford Renaissance District Fund
Hartford Rotary Arts for Youth Fund
Heiner Tostmann Family Fund
Heneghan Family Fund
Herrman Family Foundation Fund
The Sivan and Jeff Hines Family Fund
Alison and Nathaniel Howe Fund
Anthony S. and Evelyn L. Hulme Charitable Fund
Ilg Family Fund
Jackson-Batchelder Family Fund
Doreen Jennifer Lizdas Jacius Memorial Fund
JCJ Architecture Fund
Donald W. and Dorothy D. Johnson Fund
S. A. Johnson Family Fund
Marjorie Jolidon Fund
David and Helen B. Kaplan Fund
Keiller Family Fund
Kiser Family Fund
Deborah and Steven Kleinman Fund
Kodak Family Fund
Konover Coppa Family Fund
Catherine M. Kornas Fund
Beverly J. Malone Ladizki and David A. Ladizki Fund
Elizabeth M. Landon and Harriette M. Landon Donor-Advised Fund
Latino Children’s Fund
Lazarus Freckleton Fund
Alan and Judy Lieberman Family Fund
James A. Lindberg Fund
John R. Lindberg Fund
Margaret H. Lindberg Fund
Tom and Margah Lips Fund
Virginia Grace Loomis Memorial Fund for Literacy and Literature
David and Dorothy Lund Family Fund
Lupariello Family Fund
MacLean Family Fund
Eric T. Mahoney Memorial Fund
Malley Family Fund
The Marone Family Fund
Alan Mattamana and Shiji Isaac Fund
Nick Mayer Memorial Fund
Yvette Meléndez and Carl T. Chadburn Foundation Fund
Alan and Peggy Mendelson Fund
Thomas M. Meredith Fund
Melissa Joy Molin Memorial Fund
MorningStar Fund
Gerard H. and Marjorie M. Morrissey Fund
Laird and Ann Mortimer Fund
Mowell Family Fund
Diane Lynn Nappier Fund
Newington High School Class of 1983 Fund
Sean Walter Niland Fund
Arwen and George Norman Family Fund
Drs. Kola and Trudy Olofinboba Family Fund
Sharon R. O’Meara Fund
Orr Family Fund
The Paisley Fund
Edouard L. Paradis Charitable Trust
Paternoster Family Fund
Patricelli Family Fund
Raymond J. and Elizabeth C. Payne Fund
Barton W. Pease Memorial Fund
Phillips Schreck Family Fund
Plapler McMahon Family Fund
JoAnn and James Price Fund for Community Safety
Rabb Family Fund
Cora Lee Bentley Radcliffe and William Radcliffe Memorial Fund
Dorothy B. Ralston Fund
Belle K. and Irving S. Ribicoff Fund
The Right Track Fund
Ritter Family Fund
Robbins Family Fund
Betty and Henry Roberts Fund
Vernon D. and Florence E. Roosa Family Foundation Memorial Fund
Ross Memorial Fund
Harold L. and Marilyn Rothstein Fund
Florence and Charles Rubenstein Family Foundation Fund
The Salve! Fund
Maria Sanchez Fund
Gladiola H. Savage Fund
Savin Family Fund
Schiro Fund
Schonberger September 11 Fund
Schwedel Family Fund
George A. Scott Memorial Fund
Barbara and Ted Sergi Fund
Gregory Shaskan Memorial Fund
Carey Shea and Calvin Parker Fund for Community Development and Economic Justice
Jean Edward and Mary Beach Shepard Fund
Barbara Sicherman Fund
Sigma Pi Phi Beta Iota Boule Endowment Fund
Donald and Linda Silpe Fund
Stephen M. and Amy Lynn Silverman Family Fund
Michael E. Simmons Foundation Fund
Larry Alan Smith Honorary Fund
The Olcott Damon Smith Fund
Snyder Family Fund
Sovronsky Family Fund
Anne Stanback and Charlotte Kinlock Fund
Sugarman Family Fund
Summer Arts Festival Endowment Fund
Sherlock-White Family Fund
Thibadeau Family Fund
Westley V. Thompson and Rosemarie E. Thompson Fund
Toward a Sustainable Future Fund
Town and County Club Fund
Trees for Bloomfield Fund
Trees for Suffield Fund
Trumble Family Fund
Tom Tucker Memorial Fund
Alex and Wendy Vance Fund
Richard D. Wagner & Madeline/Lina F. Wagner Fund
Walker Community Fund
Patricia and Charles Walker Family Fund
Olivia Joy Wentworth Memorial Fund
Peter Wertheim Memorial Fund
Wethersfield Youth Services/Steven M. Salter Memorial Fund
Whittlesey, PC Fund
Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund
Magrieta L. and Sherwood S. Willard Fund
Jay and Sonja Williams Family Fund
Wilson Family Fund
Women’s Support Fund
Katrina B. and Paul G. Woodhouse Fund
Worthington Family Fund
Carol and Edward Wrobel Family Fund
Myron Parker Yeomans/Edward Myron Yeomans Family Fund
Young Edutainment Fund
Amiel and Mary Anne Zak Public Service Fund
Zammitti Family Fund
Zayas Law Fund for Arts and Education
Acacia Zawadi Fund
Lee and Margot Allison Fund
Curtis H. and Katharine G. Alvord Fund
Andover Greater Together Community Fund
Anonymous No. 7 Fund
Anonymous No. 14 Fund
Anonymous (CF25) Fund
Raymond H. Arnold Fund
Avon Greater Together Community Fund
JoAnne Bauer and Friends Fund
Beatman-Cantarow Fund in Memory of Dr. Walter D. Cantarow
Lilly Palmer Biscoe and Eloise Palmer Biscoe Mother/Daughter Fund in Memory of Earl Biscoe, Jr. and Earl Biscoe III
Black Giving Circle Fund
John E. Blair Fund for the Visually Impaired
Bloomfield Greater Together Community Fund
Bolton Greater Together Community Fund
Boyle Family Fund
Newton C. and Elsie B. Brainard Fund
Donald Brewer Memorial Fund
John W. Buck Fund
Antonio S. and Sarina Camilleri Memorial Fund
Canton Greater Together Community Fund
Carroll Family Fund
Grace D. Cassell Fund
Catalyst Endowment Fund
CHA Community Fund
Timothy K. Chartier, MD Fund
Connecticut Opera Endowment Fund
Marti Curtiss Memorial Fund
John David Creedon Fund
Vinel Edward Dent Memorial Fund
Teresa and Carmela D’Esopo Fund
Dorothea Fund
Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Fund
Carl J. DuPre Fund
East Granby Greater Together Community Fund
East Hartford Greater Together Community Fund
East Windsor Greater Together Community Fund
Ellington Greater Together Community Fund
Elliot Family Fund
Enfield Greater Together Community Fund
The Equality Fund
The Equistrides Fund
Family Service Society Fund
Farmington Greater Together Community Fund
Fanny Mag Fassler and Victor Fassler Fund
William and Estelle Fraidowitz Family Fund
David L. Francis and Sarah W. Francis Fund
Stanley and Jean Frank Fund
Raymond S. and Agnes M. French Memorial
Anna Sanders Friedman Fund
Fund for Early Childhood
Valyn Gallivan Fund
Nicholas J. and Doris Giordano Endowment Fund
Glastonbury Greater Together Community Fund
Granby Greater Together Community Fund
Greater Hartford Architecture Conservancy
Fannie Estelle Hairston Fund
Astrid and Fred Hanzalek Fund 1
Astrid and Fred Hanzalek Fund II
Hartford Foundation Staff Fund
Hartford Greater Together Community Fund
Marjorie F. Hazen Trust FOI
Hebron Greater Together Community Fund
HFPG Promotion of Philanthropy Fund
Alyce F. and David H. Hild Fund
Isabel Hooker Merritt, Thomas Hooker, and Joseph K. Hooker Trust
Howard and Bush Fund for Philanthropy
Frank Kavitsky Fund No. 1
Robert Allan Keeney Memorial Fund
Ruth Kellogg Fund
Muriel R. Kesten Family Fund for Public Education
Koopman Field of Interest Fund
Jeri P. Kostiner Fund
Latino Endowment Fund
Mary J. Lee Fund
Thomas H. Lorch and Hollace Peterson Lorch Fund
Jessie F. Lovell Fund No.1
Madoff Family Fund in Memory of Emily Madoff
Manchester Greater Together Community Fund
Marlborough Greater Together Community Fund
Gioconda B. McGettigan Fund
Francis J. and Agnes C. Muccio Fund
Municipal Art Society Fund
Daniel W. Murphy Fund
Edith W. and John Davis Murphy Fund
Leo and Sarah Nadelman Fund
Muriel B. Neall Fund
D. Robert and Elizabeth Newell Fund
Newington Greater Together Community Fund
Glenn Thomas Packard Memorial Fund
Doris M. Penndorf Literacy Advancement Fund
Daniel Clark Perkins Fund
Pomeroy-Brace Fund
R and C B Foundation
Bruce and Dorothy B. Ralston Field of Interest Fund
Emily W. Rankin Fund
Sali G. Riege Field-of-Interest Fund
Rocky Hill Greater Together Community Fund
Vernon D. Roosa and Florence E. Roosa Fund
H. Louise Ruddell Charitable Fund
Anna and Abraham I. Savin Fund
Scan-Optics, Inc. Fund
Ted and Ellen See Fund
Natale and Norma Sestero Fund
Norma and Natale Sestero Fund I
Carol Simpson and Bob Hewey Fund
Simsbury Greater Together Community Fund
Slimmon Fund for Arts Education
Somers Greater Together Community Fund
South Windsor Greater Together Community Fund
Margaret E. Spellacy Fund
The Spencer Turbine Foundation Fund
Prasad Srinivasan Family Fund
Skip Steiner Fund
Edith S. Steinhauser Fund
Virginia D. Stoner Fund
Suffield Greater Together Community Fund
Adelaide L. Thomson Fund
A. Lindsay Thomson Fund
Emily B. Thomson Fund
James McA. Thomson Fund
Tolland Greater Together Community Fund
Priscilla M. Usher Fund
Vernon Greater Together Community Fund
West Hartford Greater Together Community Fund
Wethersfield Greater Together Community Fund
White Oak Fund
John Talcott Whitman and Louise H. Whitman Fund
Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund for Dance and Performing Arts
Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund for Health
Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund for Lifting Barriers
Michael and Marjorie Wilder Fund for Youth
Joyce C. Willis Fund
Windsor Greater Together Community Fund
Windsor Locks Greater Together Community Fund
Woman’s Exchange of West Hartford Fund
These funds support the Community College Scholarship Endowment:
Community College Scholarship Endowment Fund
Roxanne Cave Scholarship Fund
Latino Community College Scholarship Fund
Mimi and Brendan Lynch Community College Scholarship Fund
Gail Maloney Memorial Community College Scholarship Fund
Peggy Miller Community College Scholarship Fund
June Miller Rosenblatt Community College Scholarship Fund
AB Club Scholarship Foundation Fund established by John D. Wardlaw
Frederick G. Adams Scholarship Fund
Alliance Française of Hartford Harpin/Rohinsky Scholarship Fund
Barbara Mordarski Bartucca and Peter J. Bartucca Scholarship Fund
Bedrick Family Scholarship Fund
Maria Gonzalez Borrero Scholarship Fund
Philip and Nancy Braender Scholarship Fund
W. Philip Braender and Nancy Coleman Braender Scholarship Fund
Mathew Caruso Memorial Scholarship Fund
Clark Family Fund
CohnReznick Scholarship Fund
Connecticut Mortgage Bankers Social Affairs Fund
Day Pitney LLP Scholarship Fund
Drs. Booker T. and Elena L. DeVaughn Scholarship Fund
Harry A. Donn Scholarship Fund
Lillian C. Donn Scholarship Fund
Encouraging Diversity in Educators Scholarship Fund
Symee Ruth Feinberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Charles, Sophie and Helen Fine Family Fund
Stanley D. and Hinda N. Fisher Scholarship Fund
Fontana Family Scholarship Fund
Janice and Kerry Foster, Sr. Scholarship Fund
KJ Foster Scholarship Fund
Irving Goldberg Latin Scholar Fund
Robert B. and Francine L. Goldfarb Family Scholarship Fund
Alan E. Green Hartford Housing Authority Scholarship Fund
Fred H. Greenwood Engineering Scholarship Fund
Roland S. Harris, Jr. Scholarship Fund
Hartford Grammar School Scholarship Fund
Nina L. Hartin Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Harugari Lodge of Broad Brook Fund
Arman G. and Betty A. Hatsian Scholarship Fund
Wendy and Boyd Hinds Memorial Scholarship Fund
Gerald and Phyllis Hughes Fund
Walter “Doc” Hurley Scholarship Fund for Greater Hartford
Jim and Marlene Ibsen Scholarship Fund
John C. Ike and Middie Ike Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Interracial Scholarship Fund of Greater Hartford
Merva Jackson Scholarship Fund
James A. Jones Memorial Fund
Peter Jung Scholarship Fund
Ilene and Marty Kaplan Scholarship Fund
Linda J. Kelly Family Scholarship Fund
Janice F. and David M. Klein Scholarship Fund
Herman P. Kopplemann Fund
Rae and Abraham Kopplemann Additional Fund
Sylvia H. Koski Scholarship Fund
John H. Lewis III Scholarship Fund
Noble E. and Emma Belknap Lord Memorial Scholarship Fund
Antoinette Shippen Mason Scholarship Fund
MassMutual Foundation for Hartford, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Meyer-Kimball Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rhoda L. Miller Music Scholarship Fund
Michael Morrisroe Memorial Scholarship Fund
Murtha Cullina LLP Scholarship Fund
Alice M. Neenan Memorial Scholarship Fund
Vartan K. Omartian and Beatrice Omartian Scholarship Fund
Richard Palmer Scholarship Fund
Robert J. Patterson Scholarship Fund
Pillar Community Development Corporation Scholarship Fund
Shyamala Raman Scholarship Fund
Dr. Sedrick J. and Alyce T. Rawlins Scholarship Fund
Janet B. Rose Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bert and Betty Rosen Scholarship Fund
June Miller Rosenblatt Scholarship Fund
Maxine Rothe Schortman Award
Neal R. Seigel Memorial Scholarship Fund
Herb Sheintop Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulé Scholarship Fund
Sigma Pi Phi Fraternity, Alpha Psi Boulé Scholarship Fund No.2
The Stearns Fund
George F. Stevens Education Fund
Darryl E. Thames, Sr. Public Service Scholarship Fund
Trumble Family Scholarship Fund
Tucker Family Scholarship Fund in Memory of Abraham H. and Fannie K. Tucker, David J. Tucker, Thelma (Tucker) Cooper and Robert P. Tucker
Dorothy L. and Justin R. Tucker Scholarship Fund
Thomas J. Villano Scholarship Fund
Jaqhawn “JQ” Walters Memorial Scholarship Fund
Josh Wittenberg Memorial Scholarship Fund
Elmer Cooke Young-Ethel Taylor Young Scholarship Fund
Joyce and Philip Acquaviva Fund
Folabomi & Olusegun Akinbajo Endowed Scholarship Fund
American Marketing Association-Connecticut Chapter, Anna C. Klune Memorial Scholarship Fund
Eric Amenabar Memorial Scholarship Fund
Brian A. Aselton Memorial Scholarship Fund
Shyaam Bachman Memorial Scholarship Fund
Bartlett Family Scholarship Fund
John Bell and Lawrence Thornton Scholarship Fund
Lebbeus F. Bissell Scholarship Fund
Richard and M. Terrye Blackstone Scholarship Fund
Bloomfield Scholarship Fund
J. Leo Bodo Scholarship Fund
Donald and Dorothy Bonelli Puerto Rican Education Fund
Bonzagni and Thomas Families Scholarship Fund
Ted and Evelyn Bothur Memorial Scholarship Fund
Makhi Anthony Buckly Scholarship Fund
Jonathan E. Clark Scholarship Fund
Laurel M. Cohn Scholarship Fund
Patricia L. Coombs Scholarship Fund
Phyllis Kosiorek Cordner and Roy R. Cordner Scholarship Fund
Joy V. Decicco College Scholarship Fund
Aldo DeDominicis Scholarship Fund
Albert T. and Jane N. Dewey Fund
Daniel R. DiNardi Memorial Scholarship Fund
Sonny and Billie Duval Memorial Scholarship Fund
East Windsor Rotary Club, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Farmington UNICO Scholarship Fund
Susan Lynn Felder Memorial Scholarship Fund
Stanley D. Fisher Scholarship Fund
Jan H. Fonteyne Memorial Scholarship Fund
Financial Planning Association of Connecticut, Inc. Scholarship Fund
Ethel Cushing Gardner Fund
Glastonbury Memorial Scholarship Fund
Drew Charles Goulet Memorial Scholarship Fund
Christopher Guerrini Memorial Scholarship Fund
Hartford Whalers Booster Club Scholarship Fund
Jennifer Hodges Fund
Jackson-Batchelder Family Scholarship Fund
Samuel Leonard Joseph Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Walter S. Kapala Scholarship Trust
Barbara Kelco Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kristin Kepner and Kimberly Kepner McCahill Memorial Scholarship Fund
Ray Lachat Memorial Award Fund
Beverly J. Malone Ladizki and David A. Ladizki Scholarship Fund
JJ Lindberg Scholarship Fund
Dr. Frank and Florence Marino Scholarship Fund
The Middlebury Fund
Miss Ruth Scholarship Fund
Douglas J. Myers Scholarship Fund
NSDAR – Marjorie P. Nutt Scholarship Fund
Carl P. Palazzotto “P.M.A.” Scholarship Fund
Sylvia Parkinson Fund
Mae Passini and Juliet Anderson Memorial Fund
Drs. Nima Patel and Daniel McNaughton Scholarship Fund
Dorothy E. Hofmann Pembroke Scholarship Fund
Joyce S. Picard Scholarship Fund
Dr. Nicholas J. Piergrossi Memorial Scholarship Fund
Kenneth R. Pietrasko Memorial Scholarship Fund
Pomeroy-Brace Scholarship Fund
Dr. Sidney Rafal Memorial Fund
Catharine W. Reid Scholarship Fund
Ritter Family Scholarship Fund
Roosa Family Scholarship Fund
Samuel A. Roth Scholarship Fund
Bill and Maxine Schortman Scholarship Fund
Seabury Employee Scholarship Fund
Deedee Segel-Hartford Courant Internship Fund
Aubrey M. Seppa Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mari Shinoda Scholarship Fund
Linda Starikov Singer Memorial Scholarship Fund
South Asian Bar Association Endowed Fund
Peter T. Steinwedell Scholarship Fund
Joseph S. Sudarsky Memorial Scholarship Fund
Tim and Gerri Sullivan Scholarship Fund
United Nations Association of Connecticut (For Greater Hartford) Scholarship Fund
Michael J. Vanderlaan Scholarship Fund
Julie Veilleux Memorial Scholarship Fund
Villano-ebbo Scholarship Fund
Harold B. Waldo Fund
Ernest C. and Laura B. Saeger Wignall Scholarship Fund
Frances H. Williams Scholarship Fund
Muriel S. and Gordon A. Wilson Scholarship Fund
L. Wynne Wister Memorial Scholarship Fund
Your Chance Scholarship Fund
Amiel and Mary Anne Zak Scholarship Fund
Ruth D. Abbott Fund
F. Russell Abell Fund
Olivia and Frederick Adams Fund
Carol Alcorn Fund
John O. and Juanita J. Alden Fund
Mrs. Jane C. Allen Fund
Richard S. Allen Fund
Robert L. and Susan B. Aller Fund
Mildred C. Allison Fund
Morgan Hanlon Alvord and Dorothy Deegan Alvord Memorial Fund
Frank E. Amidon Fund
Arthur T. and Barbara L. Anderson Fund
Anonymous Fund
Anonymous No. 1 Fund
Anonymous No. 2 Fund
Anonymous No. 3 Fund
Anonymous No. 4 Fund
Anonymous No. 9 Fund
Anonymous No. 12 Fund
Anonymous No. 42 Fund
Anonymous No. 52 Fund
Anonymous (CF01) Fund
Anonymous (CF02) Fund
Anonymous (CF03) Fund
Anonymous (CF04) Fund
Anonymous (CF05) Fund
Anonymous (CF06) Fund
Anonymous (CF08) Fund
Anonymous (CF11) Fund
Anonymous (CF12) Fund
Anonymous (CF13) Fund
Anonymous (CF19) Fund
Anonymous (CF20) Fund
Anonymous (CF21) Fund
Anonymous (CF22) Fund
Anonymous (CF24) Fund
Anonymous (CF27) Fund
Anonymous (CF28) Fund
Anonymous (CF30) Fund
Anonymous (CF32) Fund
Anonymous (CF33) Fund
Anonymous (CF34) Fund
Anonymous (CF35) Fund
Nora Anthony Memorial Fund
Alfred M. Archer Fund
Thomas L. and Dorothy Clark Archibald Fund
Everett E. Arnold Fund
Flora G. Arons Fund
Margaret Travis Atwood and William I. Atwood Fund
Mrs. Beatrice Fox Auerbach (from her sister, Fannie Fox Samuels) Fund
J. F. Baker Fund
Jacob and Mary Balgley Fund
Robert and Eleanor Balgley Fund
Michael R. and Deborah F. Bangser Fund
Goodman and Cecelia Banks Memorial Fund
Joseph J. and Josephine L. Bardani Fund
Alice Barlow Fund
Luther I. Barnard Fund
D. Newton Barney Family Fund
Katharine Derr Barney Fund
Bertha S. Barrar Fund
Marjorie G. Barrett Fund
Robert W. and Alice M. Barrett Fund
Thomas R. Barrett Fund
Clara G. Bartlett Fund
Basic Human Needs Grantmaking Fund
Edward B. and Mary Louise Bates Fund
Mrs. James G. Batterson Fund
Grace R. Beardsley Fund
John H. and Eleanor L. Beardsley Fund
Roxanne Beardsley Fund
Michael C. Beckanstin Fund
Mrs. Gladys Goodman Beckanstin Fund
Elsie R. and C. Gordon Beckwith Fund II
Olivet Beckwith Fund
Dorothy Beers Fund
Maxwell M. and Ruth R. Belding Fund
John R. and Joan K. Berthoud Fund
Helen W. Bigelow Fund
Charles S. Bissell Fund
John E. Blair Fund
I. R. and Clara Blumenthal Fund
Joan J. and Morton A. Blumenthal Fund
George F. Boardman Fund
William C. Boardman Fund
Borges Family Fund
Dorothy Jennings Boyd Fund
Janice Boyd Fund
Florence B. Brainard Fund
Lyman B. and Judith P. Brainerd Fund
Neville K. Brecker and Raymond W. Brecker Memorial Fund
Richard M. Brett Fund
Rae H. Brewster Fund
John and Sondra Brittain Fund
Stillman B. and Joan E. Brown Fund
Paul R. Buchanan Fund
Joyce Chesebro Buckingham and Harold C. Buckingham, Jr. Fund
Richard B. Bulkeley Fund
Col. William E. A. Bulkeley Fund
William H. Bulkeley Fund
Alexander Bunce Fund
Dr. and Mrs. James M. Bunce Fund
Clifford and Joan Burdge Fund
George L. and Helen C. Burnham Fund
Mabel A. Burnham Fund
Angie L. Burr Fund
Lena A. Burwell Fund
Helen W. Bush Fund
Robert P. Butler Fund
Paul M. Butterworth Fund
John Byrne Fund
John L. Cadwell Trust Fund
Marjorie S. Caldwell Fund
Laura G. and Paul E. Callanan Fund
Thomas F. and Mary A. Cannon Fund
George C. Capen and Elizabeth Beach Capen Trust
George and Elizabeth Beach Capen Fund
Eleanor and Jerome Caplan Fund
Robert E. and Anne H. Carroll Fund
Cartin Family Foundation Fund
John R. Cates Fund
Olga D. Caval Family Trust Unrestricted Fund
Marion H. Chaffee Fund #2
Chapman Family Fund
Wesley I. Charter Fund
Warren D. Chase Fund
Carolyn and Blair Childs Memorial Fund
Pamela Churchill Fund
Mabel H. P. Clark Trust No. 1
Anne Hatheway Clarke Fund
Ruth S. Cloyes Trust
Ralph J. Cocks Fund
Mary C. H. Coffin Fund
Mary C. Cofran Trust
Adam P. and Cynthia F. Cohen Fund
Minnie Finesilver Cohn and Meyer Cohn Fund
Florence H. and J. Donald Cohon Fund
Robert L. and Sara Marcy Cole Fund
Elizabeth Jones and H. Bacon Collamore, Jr. Fund
Anne A. Conklin Fund
Edward K. Conklin Fund
William P. and Anne A. Conklin Fund
Frankie and Bill Connelly Fund
Frances F. Connelly Fund
Mary Jane Converse Fund
John R. Cook Trust
Mildred E. Cook Fund
Charles P. Cooley, Jr. Fund
Patricia L. Coombs Fund
Mildred A. Cooper Fund
William Sheffield Cowles Fund
H. Carl and Ruth Law Cramer Fund
Barbara M. Crampton Fund
J. Noyes Crary Fund
CRE Investors Fund
Mary Gay Creedon Fund
Wilbur B. and Margaret G. Crimmin Fund
Evelyn L. Crosby Fund 1
Evelyn L. Crosby Fund II
James and Marianne Crowley Fund
Lillys Crygier Fund
Paul B. and Elsa N. Cullen Fund
Peter Culver Fund
Joseph W. Cunningham, Jr. Fund
Caroline E. Currie Fund
Louise Cogswell Cushman Fund
James S. and Lois A. Dailey Fund
John Dangas Fund
Morton and Dinah Danseyar Family Foundation
J. H. Kelso and Edith Brainard Davis Fund
John M. K. Davis & Mignon Foerderer Davis Fund I
John M. K. Davis & Mignon Foerderer Davis Fund II
Pomeroy Day Fund
Raymond H. Deck Family Fund in Memory of Kevin F. Deck
Charles W. Deeds Fund
Donald K. Deitch Fund
Caroline De Lamater Fund
V. Edward Dent and Donald Blust Memorial Fund
Quentin A. Dewing Fund
Walter H. Dickman Fund
Alice and Harold Dillon Fund
Dorothy Godfrey Dillon Fund
Elizabeth Dimick Fund
Lucille A. Diorio Fund
Dr. and Mrs. Burwell Dodd Fund
Thomas K. Dodd Fund
John and Barbara Donahue Fund
John and Barbara Donahue Fund II
Richard D. Donchian Fund
Dornenburg Design Christmas Gift Fund
Gladys B. and Robert E. Dunn Fund for Youth Leadership
George A. Drieu Fund
Beverly Beach Eaton and Edward C. Eaton, III Fund
Bernard and Millie G. Ellovich Fund
Arthur C. Ellsworth Fund
John E. and Grace Ellsworth Fund
Jean Sheldon Elmers Fund
Morton and Marilyn Elsner Fund
John O. and Harriet Enders Memorial Fund
James F. and Isabelle S. C. English Fund
Joseph R. and Mary P. Ensign Memorial Fund
Guy B. and Rita B. Fallow Fund
Victor Fassler Fund
Jack B. and Jessie L. Feeney Fund
Eleanor Ferguson Fund
S. Joseph Ferla Fund
Filer Fund
Gustave and Lillian A. Fischer Fund
Gustave Fischer and Lillian A. Fischer Fund
Lillian A. Fischer Fund
Eugene R. and Sandra Flaxman Fund
Grace M. Flynn Fund
Debra and Ed Forand Family Fund
T. Mitchell Ford Fund
Henry D. Fowler Fund
Mary M. Fowler Fund
Melicent Rawson Fuller Fund
William S. Fuller Fund
George H. Gabriel Fund
D. Stephen and Phyllis K. Gaffney Fund
Dr. Edythe and Mr. Albert Gaines Fund
Marilda Gándara Fund
Howard Hunt Garmany Fund
John S. Garvan Fund
Richard and Joanne Gates Fund
Gavin Family Fund
Gengras Family Fund
Donald S. Gershman Family Fund
Arthur C. Getchell Fund
Raymond A. Gibson Fund
E.C. Gilkeson Fund
George H. Gilman, Jr. Fund
Irving L. Gilman Family Charitable Foundation Fund
Charles A. and Cornelia Catlin Gilbert Fund
Rita Ginsberg Fund
Miriam E. and Leon H. Glazer Fund #2
William E. and Jacquelyn M. T. Glynn Fund
Godbout Family Foundation Fund
Steven and Blanche Goldenberg Family Fund
Arnold and Julian Goldstein Fund
Goodman/Loeb Family Fund
Clara M. Goodman Estate Fund
Mary A. Goodman Fund
Francis and Mary A. Goodwin Memorial Fund
Genevieve H. and James L. Goodwin Fund
Mary Goodwin Fund
Richard H. Gordon and the Gordon Family Fund
Mildred B. Grady Fund
Louis Graham Fund
Pearl M. Grandy Fund
Eugenie and Charles Granniss Fund 1
Eugenie and Charles Granniss Fund 2
Margaret G. Grant Fund
Dorothy Yeomans Graulty Fund
Virginia Stuart Gray Fund
William G. Gray Fund
William G. and Mayme J. Green Fund (from Raymond B. Green)
Beverly and Arnold C. Greenberg Fund
Jacob Herman Greenberg Fund
Anna M. Greenspon Memorial (from Charles Greenspon) Fund
Shirley S. Greenspon Fund
Elizabeth N. Gregory Fund
Helen Griffith Fund
Jane Z. Griggs Fund
Raymond W. and Cleo C. Grinold Fund
F. Louise Griswold Fund
Frank C. and Agnes E. Griswold Fund
Cornelia Gross Fund
Robert E. and Barbara W. Groundwater Fund
Robinson A. and Nancy D. Grover Fund
William P. Haas Fund II
James and Florence Gertrude Haddow Fund
Jessie J. Haight Fund
Edith S. Hale Fund
Luella C. Hale Fund
Joseph T. Hall Fund
Robert C. Hall Fund
Charles H. Hamlin, M.D. Fund
Carlotta Hammitt Fund
Anna Hammons Fund
Alice A. Harder and Harriett S. Olzendam Fund
Samuel C. Hardin Fund
J. Warren Harper Fund
Marion K. Harris Fund
Dr. Nathan Harris Fund
Harold L. Hart and Ethel B. Hart Foundation Fund
John R. Hart and Pauline Davidson Hart Fund
Hart-Coggeshall Fund
Hartman-Newfield Tobacco Company Fund
Virgil L. Hartzog Fund
David M. Hatheway Fund
Elizabeth C. Hatheway Fund
Nathan Haverback Fund
Charles F. Chase, Helen Bourne Chase & Genevieve Chase Hewes Fund
Charles L. Heath Trust
Joyce S. Heckman Fund
Sue W. and Robert C. Hector Fund
Warren C. Heidel Fund
Frances S. Hennessy Fund
Mary B. Hewes Fund
Madelyn C. Hickmott Fund
Elizabeth S. Hicks Fund
Virginia Hicks Fund
Dr. Otto M. Hirschfeld Fund
Earl W. Hodge Fund
Mary G. H. Hoffer Fund
Dwight A. Hogg Fund
Elizabeth Glass Hoke Fund
Laura E. Holcomb Fund
Tudor F. Holcomb Fund
Benjamin L. Holland Fund
Alice F. Holmes Fund
Margaret E. Honan Fund
H. Mansfield Horner Fund
Latham B. and Elizabeth H. Howard Fund
Barbara A. and Elijah K. Hubbard Fund
Mary A. Huber Fund
Richard L. and Virginia W. Hughes Fund
Charles A. Hunter Trust
Leila C. Hunter Trust
William Hunter Fund
Elizabeth Huntting Fund
Ellery Hurd Fund
R. Eric and Winifred Hutchinson Family Fund
I / J
John Avery and Elinor Houghton Bulkeley Ingersoll Fund
Warren E. Jackson and Jewell C. Jackson Fund
Harry Jacobs Fund
Katharine Jacobus Fund
Ann M. Jainsen Fund I
Ann M. Jainsen Fund II
Ann M. Jainsen Fund III
Carl W. and Julia Jainsen Memorial Fund
Wilson and Ann Jainsen Fund
Alexander & Alice C. Jarvis Fund
Dr. and Mrs. H. Gildersleeve Jarvis Fund
Mary Goodrich Jenson Fund
James Jewett Fund
Bertram A. Johnson Fund
Blanche W. Johnson Fund
Claire Q. and Herbert Johnson Fund
Katharine N. Johnson Fund
Lillian A. Johnson Fund
Mabel Johnson Fund
Oliver F. and Garnette T. Johnson Fund
Grace D. Joley Fund
Sheldon J. Kahn Fund
Harry G. and Fannie S. Kaminsky Fund
Ann M. Kane Fund
William Kashman and Inez P. Kashman Fund
Veronica K. and John P. Kazlau Memorial Fund
Louise E. Keister Trust
Gladys C. Keeney Trust
Linda J. Kelly Family Fund
Edward H. Kenyon Fund
Martin and Muriel Kesten Fund
Mary Jean Kilfoil Memorial Fund
Mathilde T. Kingsland Fund
Eva Kleman Fund
George Kleman Fund
Louise J. Klett Fund
Robert C. Knox, Jr. Fund
Susan Schiro Kominsky Fund
Doris and Simon Konover Fund
Koopman Fund
Walter O. R. Korder Fund
Marion L. Kropp Fund
Karl C. Kulle Fund
Theodore C. and Marie J. Kyle Fund
The Elizabeth M. Landon and Harriette M. Landon Fund
Doris E. Larson Fund
Betty and John Larus Fund
Ethel T. Larus Fund
Ethel S. Layton Fund
H. Warren Lawrence Fund
Elizabeth B. Leete Fund
Janet S. Legrow Fund
Sarah W. Leibert Fund (from her son, Herbert A.)
Dorothy H. Leppens Fund
Robert P. Letendre Fund
Suzanne M. and George Levine Fund
Edward B. Lewis, III and Anne H. Lewis Fund
Frederick Elbert Lewis Family Fund
William Lidgerwood Fund
Robert Lienhard Fund
Boardman F. Lockwood Fund
Gertrude G. Lofgren Fund
Bruce and Molly O’Neill Louden Fund
Jessie F. Lovell Fund No. 2
Jerome H. and Elaine Title Lowengard Fund
Jean Allen Day Lowry Memorial Fund
Lawrence J. Lunden Fund
Lux Bond & Green Fund
Lyon Fund
James B. Lyon Fund
Genevieve MacKenzie Fund
Edward L. and Audrey B. Mahl Fund
Lottie M. Mahl Estate Fund
Louise A. Mahl Fund
Morris and Edith Mancoll Fund
Marks Family Fund
Alfred G. Mason Fund
Ida P. Mason Fund
Roy S. Mason Fund
Sidney J. Mass Fund
Mary Massa Trust
Harriet K. Maxwell Fund I
Harriet K. Maxwell Fund II
Alice A. McCurry Fund
Julia K. McGovern Fund
Henry R. and Katharine K. McLane Fund
John F. McLaughlin Fund
Helen L. McManus Estate Fund
MCW Fund for Women and Children
Helen H. Meade Fund
Gertrude M. Meller Fund
Peggy and Alan Mendelson Fund
Grace O. and Harold A. Merriman Fund
Robert and Mary M. Merritt Fund
Merrow Family Fund
Message Center Beepers Fund
The MGN Fund
Stephen and Patricia Middlebrook Fund II
Miller Family Foundation Fund
Frances Thayer Miller Fund
Margaret Sage Mitchell Estate Fund
Frederick L. Mitchell Fund
Robert and Adriana Mnuchin Fund
Samuel E. Molod Family Fund
Caroline V. Moran Memorial Fund
Paul W. Morency Fund
Shirley M. and Edward H. Morgan Fund II
Russell C. Morley Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard H. Morrissey Fund
Mary T. Morton Fund
W. Howie Muir Fund
William M. Mulford Fund
Chester H. Munson Fund
J. Read and Barbara H. Murphy Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John S. Murtha Fund
Reba and Arthur Nassau Fund
Arlene and Daniel Neiditz Fund
David H. Neiditz Memorial Fund
Moses J. and Rachel Neiditz Fund
Arnold W. Nelson, Barbara O. Nelson and June Billingham Nelson Fund
D. Robert and Elizabeth Newell Fund
Jon O. and Martha S. Newman Fund
Seymore and Ann Newman Memorial Fund
Germain D. and Patricia L. Newton Fund
Alfred G. Nye Fund
Elisabeth R. Ohde Fund
Veda Coughlin Oliva Fund
William J. and Marcia H. Olsson Fund
Kathleen Palm and Joseph Devine Fund
Bradford E. Parker Fund
Dorothy E. W. and James R. Parker Fund
Philip Partington Fund
Roche M. and Jane C. Passero Fund
Wyman G. and Virginia Patten Fund
Pearse Family Fund
Edwin L. Pearson Fund
Grace S. Peck Fund
Edith Chester Pelton Fund
Brewster B. and Judith Perkins Fund
Col. Harry L. Perkins Fund
Neil H. Pfanstiel Fund
Judson T. Sr. and Virginia C. Pierson Fund
Katharine A. Pinney Fund
Rollin G. Plumb Fund
Barbara P. Poppe and Harry B. Poppe Memorial Fund
Kimberly Ann Porter Fund
William H. Porter Fund
Barbara B. Preston Fund
James D. Price Fund
Clarence L. Prickett Fund
Herbert J. Prouty Fund
Millard and Claire Pryor Fund
Dorothy L. Rainford Memorial Fund
Arthur and Ann Randall Fund
Nancy Taft Rankin Fund
Edward Raphael, Esther and Nathan Kleinman Fund (from Minnie…
Charles E. and Mildred Rauch Fund
Ray-Andrews Fund in memory of Charles Henry Ray, Julia A. Ray, and James P. Andrews
Richard B. Redfield Memorial Fund
J. Ronald Regnier Fund
Joseph F. Reheiser Fund
Louise F. Reheiser Fund
I. William Reisman and Beatrice W. Reisman Fund
Julia S. Reynolds Fund
Harvey B. and Carrie W. Riggs Fund
Gail Ripley Fund
Mabel G. and Agnes Ripley Fund
The RMB Fund
Rev. Philip W. Roberts Fund
Victor and Emma Robington Fund
Caroline and John Rohrbach Fund
Patty Levaur Rome Fund
Edgar L. Ropkins Fund
R. Philip and Rebecca C. Rose Fund
Frances F. Ross Fund
Ruth B. Rouse Fund
Augusta R. Rubin Fund
Olive L. Rudolph Fund
William and Alice Rupp Fund
Dorothy Mason Russell Fund
Peter G. and Betsy Russell Fund
William C. Russell Fund
Robert Salter, Jr. Fund
Fan Fox Samuels (from Mr. and Mrs. Richard Koopman) Fund
Fan Fox Samuels (from Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schiro) Fund
Sappington Schoen Family Fund
Frank J. and Hilda Saunders Fund
Arthur and Hope E. Scattergood Fund
Andrew M. Schatz and Barbara F. Wolf Fund
Ruth and Walter Schloss Fund
Isidore Schnap Fund
Lodewyk A. and Annie R. Schryver Fund
Sidney Schulman Fund
Robert H. Schutz, Jr. Fund
Pauline H. Schwind Fund
Walter K. Schwinn Fund
William N. and Virginia C. Seery Fund
Seidman Family Fund
Lily Selitzky Fund
Norma and Natale Sestero Fund II
Thomas A. and Ann Hayes Shannon Family Memorial Fund
Sharpless Family Fund
Henrietta T. Shaw Fund
Catherine Sullivan Shay and William Desmond Shay Fund
Guy C. and Anne T. Shafer Fund
Andrew Roy Sheketoff Memorial Fund
Lewis and Sylvia Sheketoff Fund
Harry A. Shindler Fund
Jessie A. Shipman Fund
Lester E. Shippee Fund
Debra J. Shulansky Family Fund
Ralph M. and Ruth K. Shulansky Fund
The Shulansky Foundation Fund
Joseph L. Shulman Fund
Georgia H. Silliman Fund
Rabbi Morris and Althea O. Silverman Fund
Robert Siskin Family Fund
Siskin Family Fund
Mollie Slade Fund
James B. and Julie Hovey Slimmon, Jr. Fund I
Eleanor Carter Sloan Fund
Kathleen V. and William H. Smiley Fund
Douglas Tracy Smith and Dorothy Potter Smith Fund
Grace Fitts Smith Fund
Grace J. F. Smith Fund
Julie E. Smith Fund, in memory of her family
Sarah Conklin Smith Fund
Winchell Smith Fund
Smyth Manufacturing Company Fund
Abraham and Lina Solomon Fund
Philip and Dora Sondik Fund
Herman and Marie Sonnenberg Trust Fund
Jenny L. Spargo Fund
Ruth L. Spaulding Fund
Howard and Mary Alice Spencer Fund
Henry M. and Ilse W. Spiegel Fund
Mary Baker Stanley Fund
Talcott and Nina Stanley Fund
Wilbur C. Stauble Fund
M. V. and Lucinda S. Stempf Fund
Mary Holden Stephenson Fund
John W. Steube Fund
Elizabeth K. Steven Fund
Edward J. and Marilyn D. Stockton Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Lyndes B. Stone Fund
Samuel M. Stone Fund
Leslie M. Stophel and Douglas J. Myers Fund
John D. Stout, Jr. Memorial Fund
Matilda and Beatrice Sudarsky Fund
Suisman Foundation, Inc. Fund
Edward A. and Etta W. Suisman Fund
Janet and Michael Suisman Fund-C
Janet and Michael Suisman Fund-T
Michael and Elsa Daspin Suisman Fund
Samuel C. and Helen K. Suisman Memorial Fund
Samuel Suisman and Edward A. Suisman Fund
Melinda and Paul Sullivan Fund
Reynold F. and Sylvia N. Svensk Memorial Fund
William R. & Mazy Worthington Penrose & Nathalie Penrose Swetland Fund
Doris S. Swift Fund
Russell P. Taber Fund
Nelson Taintor, Jr. and Virginia Taintor Fund
Carolyn Talcott Fund
Jack D. and Ruth H. Taylor Fund
James and Edith D. Taylor Charitable Foundation (in honor..
Mrs. J. Moulton (Antoinette) Thomas Fund
Arnold P. and Betty Jeanne Thompson Fund
Thomson Family Fund
Julia Spencer Thrall Fund
Melvin Weisman Title Fund
James H. and Hetty B. Torrey Fund
Henry P. and Margaret E. Townsend Fund
Leonard M. Troub Endowment Fund
Joseph P. Trumbull Trust Fund
Charles A. and Ruth H. Tucker Fund
George G. Twitchell Fund
Mrs. Kingsland Van Winkle Fund
David, Ellie and Jim Venneman Family Fund
Boo, Brett, Martha (Beale), and Wade Vianney Fund
Edmond R. and Audrey M. (Svensk) Vianney Fund
Bernard S. Vinick and Martha O. Vinick Fund
Vitamaur Fund
Wagoner Family Fund
Mary E. Q. Walberg Fund
Henry H. Walkley Fund
Dorothy H. Warner Fund
Edgar Francis Waterman Fund
Frederick D. and Katherine W. Watkins Family Fund
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Watson Fund
Judith A. W. Wawro Fund
Helen Lyde Wayne Fund
Katharine Howes Wead Fund
Arthur E. and Elizabeth H. Webster Trust 1
Arthur E. and Elizabeth H. Webster Trust 2
Weed Family Fund
Oscar Wegman Trust
Oscar and Ruby T. Wegman Fund II
Fannie and Louis Weinstein Fund (from their daughter, Mrs. Pauline Kopelman)
Milton and Frances Weinstein Fund
Lillian W. and William B. Welden Fund
Jacqueline and Frederic Werner Fund
Richard G. West Fund
Stillman F. Westbrook Fund
Edward J. Whalen Fund
Mary Pomeroy Wheeler Fund
Doris E. Whitbeck Fund
Arthur J. White Fund
Charles and Mildred White Fund
Edwin and Luann Whitmore Fund
Dorothy D. Whitney (Mrs. Howard F.) Fund
Mildred E. Whitney Fund
Gladys and Theodore Wielandt Fund
Frazer B. and Barbara T. Wilde Fund
Wilson and Joanne Wilde Fund
Charlotte E. Wile Fund
Edward C. and Mary W. Wilkins Fund
Frances Williams Fund
Frank O. H. Williams Fund
Joan Bergmann Wilson Fund
Muriel and Gordon Wilson Fund
Mr. and Mrs. John K. Winter Fund
Katharine S. Winter Fund No. 1
Doris E. Wiswell Trust
W. Watson Woodford Fund
Archibald M. Woodruff, Jr. Fund (given by his wife, Barbara B. Woodruff)
Charles J. Woods Fund
Mary Paine Worthen Fund
Catherine Maus Wright Fund
Father Paul Wysocki and Family Fund No. 2
Clinton B. Yeomans Fund
Elsie B. Yeomans Trust
Henry M. Zachs and Judith M. Zachs Fund
Opal Marie Zimmerman Memorial Fund (from her husband Charles)
Joseph Zisk Fund
William Zola Memorial Fund